Our Dental Braces Treatments

Our Services

All Your Dental Needs at One Place

At Orthodontist Dubai, we offer a wide range of orthodontic treatments to suit every patient’s needs, including braces, Invisalign, and orthodontic appliances.

Metal Braces

Metal braces are a time-tested orthodontic treatment that use brackets and wires to gently shift teeth into their desired positions. Metal braces are an effective, affordable option for many patients, and they come in a variety of colors to suit your personal style.

Clear Aligners

Clear aligners are a virtually invisible orthodontic treatment that use a series of clear, removable aligners to straighten teeth. Clear aligners are a popular choice among adults and teenagers who are looking for a more discreet orthodontic option.


Invisalign is a popular clear aligner treatment that uses a series of clear, removable aligners to gently shift teeth into their desired positions. Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible and can be easily removed for eating, brushing, and flossing.

Lingual Braces

Lingual braces are similar to traditional metal braces, but they are placed on the back of the teeth instead of the front. Lingual braces are an effective, discreet option for patients who want to straighten their teeth without visible braces.

Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces are similar to metal braces, but they use clear or tooth-colored brackets and wires to blend in with your natural teeth. Ceramic braces are a popular choice among adults and teenagers who want a more discreet orthodontic option.

Gold Braces

Gold braces are a type of metal braces that are coated in gold instead of traditional metal. Gold braces are a popular choice among patients who want a more unique, fashionable look for their braces.

Damon Braces

Damon braces are a type of self-ligating braces that use a special clip to hold the wire in place, rather than traditional elastic bands. Damon braces are designed to move teeth more efficiently and with less discomfort than traditional braces.


Retainers are custom-made devices that are used to maintain the position of teeth after orthodontic treatment. At Orthodontist Dubai, we offer both removable and fixed retainers to ensure that your teeth stay in their proper positions after treatment.

Braces Adjustment

A regular appointment during orthodontic treatment where the braces are tightened, wires adjusted, and progress evaluated to ensure that the teeth are shifting properly.

Not Sure What You Need?

Simply give us a call and book an appointment for yourself. We are here to help. Walk into our clinic and let us take a closer look to suggest the best treatment you need.


Common Questions and Answers from Orthodontist Dubai

Treatment time varies depending on the individual case, but the average treatment time is between one and three years.

There may be some discomfort or soreness during the first few days or weeks of treatment, but most patients adjust to the sensation of braces quickly.

Yes, but it’s recommended that patients wear a mouthguard during sports to protect their teeth and braces.

Patients should brush their teeth at least twice a day and floss at least once a day, using special tools like interdental brushes and floss threaders to navigate around braces.

Patients should avoid hard, sticky, or chewy foods that can damage or dislodge their braces, such as popcorn, hard candy, and chewing gum.

Orthodontic adjustments typically occur every 4-6 weeks, but the exact frequency will depend on the individual treatment plan.

Patients should contact their orthodontist immediately if their braces are damaged or broken. In some cases, the braces may need to be repaired or replaced.

The cost of braces varies depending on the type of braces and the length of treatment. Many insurance plans cover a portion of the cost of orthodontic treatment.